Since my youngest age, as far as I can remember, I’ve always been very positive, optimistic, and very kind to others, so I had no pain no hard-work in drinking his good words and applying them to my own life. He helped me enriched my inner personal life. My purpose in life. This helped me to define my true desire of writing, speaking and coaching, and craft this project. My plan started to be defined little by little like a drawing.
And I want for my story and advices to help you and motivate you to make your dreams come true.
Let me tell you who I am, first,… I am a happy person all the time! Bad times, good times, my problems never obstruct my mood. Let me show you how you can do it too!
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Be different, Be HAPPY, Be YOU
How to live your life as you wish it, how to live your dreams, how to make your dreams come true! Enter your email below to get weekly updates and tips and click ‘Yes’ !
My Story:
So more and more, recently, I had this voice inside of me, saying ‘you have a story to tell’ and being a mother of 5 boys, single Mom for twenty years, surmounting adversity, raising the boys, running a business, struggling to provide a decent living, all of this at the same time, all this make me the woman I am now.
And during the adversity and difficult time, I’ve always felt and willing to go forward. Yet I always kept a smile on my face. Invariably, since the last 20 years, all my friends and acquaintances told me they couldn’t believe I could do all this by myself and still look amazing, optimistic and happy all the time.
That bliss inside me, every day pushed me towards getting my words out, reaching my dreams, making of this dream a reality, and sending my help and advices to the world.
This is how I did it!!! Let me tell you about it!
Owning my story!
I had an amazing transformation in my life, actually my inner life and outer life.
Thirteen years ago, in 2003, I moved back from the USA to Paris, with my 5 sons, I was working in a renowned Palace, at a great job. Nevertheless, all the time I was thinking about having my own business, being free of my time, and making more money.
I thought about starting a website in 2004 … I had web builders, advisers around me ready to help, but I needed the idea, the great idea of what to sell, what merchandise to promote… but NO, I didn’t want to go again into the heavy pieces of furniture or decoration items …. Any kind of merchandise! Too much logistics, too heavy, etc… NO MERCHANDISE… so what ???
And five years passed by, and then I was making a living at a corporate 9-5 boring job, and persistently I was thinking about doing something on my own.
Two years ago, something happened.
A bad for a good!!! 😉
I had a minor surgery and I had to stay home for all four weeks of June (2014) … perfect good time to stay home recovering and unwinding under the warm sun of Summer 😉 … and the idea came to me that I had the credentials to write a book about Teenagers, how to raise 2.0 boys. And I had the best of two things; I am the mother of 5 boys Millennials. And I was working (at that time) in the Communication department of a major global Tech company. Being aware of all the latest in technology. This book idea became every day clearer and clearer, and more precise.. And through the voice of Dr. Wayne Dyer, I heard the confirmation of my own little voice, and the GO that I needed, came clear to me.
His inspiration motivated me and gave me strength, and an inner power to breathe life into my project, and make my ideas alive.
Every day, ideas were coming to my mind; I was writing pieces of text, and sentences coming across my mind from my atypical life experience.
In 2016, 13 years after my first idea of starting a web-business, it’s a breakthrough, it’s a PURE TRANSFORMATION!!
Last March before my birthday, I decided that this is it! I will act on it, I will do it! And I started to draw my logo, my brand, and all details about my blog …
I contacted a very talented digital agency, who knows all of both worlds, Europe and North America to start transforming my dream-plan into reality. So I breathed life into this project, with the idea of making a HAPPY blog to help, to share my experience, to give the insights of my Happy personality to every person on Earth, to make of planet Earth a Happy planet, one human a time!
And the MIRACLE arrived as I was wishing so much to have more time to write,…more time to write, … BOOM!! No more boring job. Believe it or not!!
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer said it: ‘you’ll see it when you believe it’…
As during summer, I had the opportunity to leave the company. Now I am in the calm and peace of my home, or anywhere on the planet, happy writing and creating.
Stay tuned to more of my AMAZING stories!
How MIRACLES happen!
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Happy Earth, One Human at a Time!
Be different, Be HAPPY, Be YOU
How to live your life as you wish it, how to live your dreams, how to make your dreams come true! Enter your email below to get weekly updates and tips and click ‘Yes’ !
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